Hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnosis and therapeutic intervention where our therapist supports the client to effect positive change in their subconscious whilst the client is in a deeply relaxed state. Hypnotherapy treatment usually takes between 2 to 6 sessions and is a much shorter intervention than other therapies. The aim of the therapy is to help individuals find meaningful alternatives to their present, unsatisfactory ways of thinking, feeling and behaving.
At FSK Minds Matter, we believe Hypnotherapy is about empowering each individual to unlock the information held in their subconscious mind to overcome their issues or unwanted habits or behaviours; helping the person to change and lead a stress free, fulfilled life. Sessions are offered in a friendly environment where you can feel completely relaxed and able to engage with confidence, knowing that you will be treated as an individual. Not only do we provide a bespoke treatment plan designed especially for you, but you can be secure in the knowledge that everything will be dealt with confidentially.
The aim is to reduce the impact the unwanted behaviour is having on your everyday life. During hypnosis, your mind becomes more receptive to positive changes, insight and releasing negative feelings. Your mind will become better able to rapidly integrate new skills, strategies and strengths.
Hypnotherapy can address the following issues:
Stress management, anxiety, panic attacks and depression
Working with children and young people
Self-esteem and confidence issues
Addiction and eating disorders
Grief, bereavement and coping with loss
Sleep, performance and pain management

Are you a registered Hypnotherapist?
I am a Senior Practitioner with the GHR.
How does Hypnotherapy Work?
Hypnotherapy works by bypassing, the usual conscious resistance, and accessing the subconscious mind. By doing this we can begin to change your old limiting beliefs without the usual conscious mind butting in. Suggestions will be used which at one level can generally be understood by the conscious mind but which on the unconscious level will convey something much more powerful, and appropriate to the clients needs. It is therefore important for anyone experiencing Hypnosis not to try and analyse everything they hear the therapist telling them, as for much of the time, the actual message can only be fully understood by the subconscious inner mind. I also believe in teaching clients personal development techniques, so future problems can be dealt with easily.
How do we do that?
My voice will help you relax quickly and easily, using a relaxing tonality and words to help you let go. Using relaxation we can break down the physical tension so that the mental relaxation can follow. While the conscious mind is distracted powerful positive suggestions can be given for your betterment. After a short period of time the positive messages begin to gain a solid foundation, and start to cancel out the old negative beliefs. Visualisation techniques will also be used to help change your own perceptions of your old limiting thoughts.
Can a Hypnotherapist control our minds?
Absolutely not. All a Hypnotherapist is, is a facilitator of change that the client uses to achieve the desired outcome. The idea of Hypnotherapy as a mysterious phenomenon is not true, in reality all Hypnosis is self Hypnosis and the person experiencing it is the one in control.
Can a person get stuck in Hypnosis?
No. There has never ever been a serious case of anyone who has been stuck in Hypnosis, and just recently a judge ruled that there was no evidence at all that Hypnosis is in any way dangerous to persons in any way shape or form. In fact we all go in naturally induced Trances every day, when driving, watching TV, or just day- dreaming, all Hypnosis does is utilize that state to achieve the required change that the client wants.
Can every body be Hypnotized?
Everybody who wants to be hypnotized can be, it has nothing to do with whether your strong minded or not, its about the persons willingness to work with me to achieve the results what they want. Even if a person is a bit skeptical it doesn’t matter as its only natural, what does matter is that the person wants it to work with me and will give it his/her best shot to make it work.
Is it safe?
I have never heard of any case of negative side effects due to hypnotherapy in my entire time in this profession. Not many professions can say that! With that in mind I think its fair to say that hypnotherapy is probably one of the safest forms of treatment known.
What about Stage Hypnotists?
They are nothing to do with hypnotherapy whatsoever. They are totally separate professions. Hypnotherapy is safe, We are qualified, insured and here to help you
Do you have to believe in Hypnotherapy in order for it to work?
That’s a common misconception. I’d say most people who come to see me don’t really believe it will work or they at least have serious doubts it will. Remember we are not part of faith healing or spiritualism or any other crank practice. Hypnotherapy is a long established profession practiced by doctors and dentists the world over. I do not require you to believe in hypnotherapy for it to work. All I ask is that you co-operate with me and that you are prepared to work with me. I sometimes give my clients some homework in the form of some reading or listening to a hypnosis CD to accelerate the change process. Other than that hypnosis works regardless of belief.
What does It feel like to be Hypnotized?
The only feeling you have when you are Hypnotized, is a feeling of relaxation. At no time will you ever feel out of control, under my control or under anything!! In fact you are always aware of where you are, what I am saying and you are always in control throughout the whole time. Rather than Hypnosis is simply an effective clinical procedure. In fact all Hypnosis is self Hypnosis, You simply allow your self to let go and just relax.
Will it work?
Like anything in life for it to work you have to want it to work, and you have to be open-minded to new ideas. The truth is, for mentoring to work you have to be committed to trying something different. To be successful you have to follow the course and do the exercises I show you. Try to get out of your mind the fantasy that someone can just hypnotise your problems away. To make the changes you want it will take effort. Not too much, just enough to make some nice changes in your life.
Where are you Based?
I am based in Stockton in the North of England.
Can I do it?
Think positively and you will get positive results. If you go into this thinking you haven’t got the willpower or strength to succeed then your beliefs will govern your actions, and you’ll get the outcome you predicted for yourself. The more effort you put in the more you’ll get out.